Encouraging Fans By Showing Off Old Writing

Who among us doesn’t have old writing?

It can be so amusing to look at old writing, whether it was from a few years ago or from when you were seven. But there’s so much more you can do with it:

As authors, we should be encouraging other aspiring authors. When other writers succeed, learn and grow, we all succeed. Their success opens up the doors for our success, just like our success opens up doors for them.

We all started somewhere. Clearly if you watch the video, I started young. I did not just magically create my book one day and have it come out perfectly.

In my own author brand, I showed off my early writing, compared it to similar themes within my current book, and let people know that Golden was not my jumping off point.

My hope is that I encouraged my fans to try to write too, no matter their current skill level.

So get out your old work, be it from elementary school, or that sad little first book first draft you wrote three years before your first published book. Show them where you started, show them how you grew, and then tell them to try it too.

So tell me, what old work are YOU going to show your fans?

Stay inspired,


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