Instagram Update: Stories Color Picker and Guidelines

Instagram has two brand new additions to the platform that have me completely geeking out.

1.) The color picker

You can now select color from your skin, lips, hair, clothing, background, etc and match your font for a more curated look to your posts.

When you tap on your text tool, you still have the color pallet. You can still hold down on it and select from a larger color pallet. Now they’ve added a dropper tool to the left side of the color pallet…see it there? If you tap on the dropper tool, a color picker will pop up. Anywhere you tap on the screen, it will select that color:



Then you can type font that matches your image/video for a cohesive, stylized look that really pops and looks more professional!


2.) Guidelines

These are meant to help you keep your text and stickers aligned properly when turning them.

Have you ever turned text sideways and couldn’t get it to go straight up and down? That’s no longer an issue-the guide lines are there to help you!

Those blue lines will pop up to help guide where you palce text and stickers in your image. This is a God-sent for me because I could never get my sideways font to be perfectly straight…now I can!

Are you excited about these new updates? I’m completely geeking out! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Stay inspired,


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