Top Five Ways Authors Can Be Using Facebook Bots

I’ve been receiving a ton of questions about Facebook bots lately and how I use them in my own author brand. All this week I’ll be bringing you different articles about using bots that leads up to an amazing, interactive bot training where you’ll walk away with your first bot set up and ready to go.

>>>What Is A Facebook Bot & Why Should I Care?<<<

Today, let’s chat about the top five ways authors can be using bots:

  1. Answer FAQUse keywords to trigger responses based on questions you are frequently asked. When people send you messages with those keywords in it, your bot will prompt them to guide themselves through a series that will lead them to the answer they are looking for without you having to spend the time and effort figuring out what each person is looking for and having to type it out again and again.


  1. QuizzesYou can set up a quiz through a post on your page (photo or video) that will allow your fans to go through a quiz you set up right in their direct message inbox. Fans will go through a series of questions that will guide them to their solution for the quiz.


  1. On Live BroadcastsI use this all the time on my scheduled live broadcasts to give out free gifts, get information to viewers, drop links for them, or get them signed up for different events. While I’m on air, I tell fans to type a specific word or phrase into the comments and my bot magically appears in their DM while I’m still on air and delivers whatever information I am giving out to them.


  1. Interactive Choose-Your-Own-Adventure GamesI’ve set these up for my own books and my fans go crazy over these games that they can play right in the Messenger inbox. I space mine out over a day or a few days and send them on missions, allow them to chose their path, and when they go back and read the book, they can actually track how their actions guided the course of the story from behind the scenes as if they were an actual character in the book who simply wasn’t mentioned on the page.


  1. Deliver FreebiesOne of the best things you can do to get subscribers on Facebook is to offer a gift. These could be bonus scenes, free books, digital swag, character cards, wallpapers, etc Anything that is exclusive to your Facebook will get their attention if they are fans of yours. You can have this as the main draw of your page through your cover graphic, on a specific image on your page, or during a live broadcast/replay.

Bonus: In Facebook Ads sent to Messenger
Have you ever seen sponsored ads that let you DM a page? That’s exactly what this is! You can set up an ad and have them interact with your page so you get them as a subscriber to your page. You can then send them through a funnel through your bot and lead them to do anything from buy your book, to join your book club, to take a quiz to see which of your books they will like best, to learn more about your characters, to invite them to a launch party or event you are hosting. It’s pure magic.

How are YOU most excited to use bots in your author brand? Let me know in the comments!

Want more info on bots? >>>LEARN MORE ABOUT BOTS HERE<<<

Tomorrow we’ll be talking about how I created an interactive choose-your-own-adventure game for my book (that my fans totally flipped over) through my bot that is STILL getting attention!

Stay inspired,


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