Why Facebook Bots Are So Important To Authors

I’ve been teaching on how authors can use bots for awhile now. I use these bots in all of my brands and have received incredible feedback from my fans and students. I believe integrating bots into your marketing strategy is so important, I created a live, interactive training for it!

So what is all the fuss about? Let’s talk about bots (and this training!)

What Are Bots?

Bots are kind of like robots working behind the scenes of your Facebook page to act kind of like a virtual assistant (they’re cheaper than a VA, too!) These bots do the heavy lifting for you on your Page in terms of handling your messages. You can automate your bot once and stay relatively hands off unless someone needs extra attention.

Why Are Bots Important?

Bots free up your time. Once you automate them, you just need to check in from time to time-if you’ve set them up well, they won’t need you. Bots can handle fan questions, devlier freebies, be used to create games and choose-your-own-adventures. You can create quizes, gather info from your fans, AND you can use them to update your people in the same way you do through your newsletter.

What Do I Need In Order To Do This Training?

We will be using a free platform to set up your bot. There are paid upgrades, but everything we will be doing can be done in the free part of this bot program, so you don’t need to invest in anything other than this live training.

Once you save your seat, I will be sending you a welcome guide with everything you need to do to get ready for the training. I will equip you to have an exclusive freebie ready to give out to your fans before the training (it’s super easy to do and your fans will flip with joy) and I will help you get set up before we launch into the training where I’ll show you click-for-click what to do to deliver this automatically to your fans and get them subscribed on your list.

Why Is This Important?

We know social media can vanish at any time, so we invest the biggest chunk of our time into growing our newsletter lists (that can never be taken from us or limited) but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t focus on growing our social media too.

We know with the algorithms cutting our organic reach, it’s more important than ever to find ways to get in front of our fans. By getting subscribers to our Messanger, we have the opportunity to never be missed by our fans because the messages (called broadcasts) that we send out always show up in their inbox…no possibility for being missed unless they chose not to open your message.

Is This All I Can Do With Bots?

Heck no! I’m teaching you one very specific thing to get people to subscribe to your Facebook Page, but these concepts and principles can be used over and over again to create communications, more freebies, freebies you can automatically give out to fans while you are on air during live broadcasts, games, quizes, collect fan info, and inform them of new and awesome things you’re doing in your author brand. You can even use it to invite them to parties and events! Same buttons…same concept…over and over again.

Creativity is your friend here, my friend!

Okay, I’m ready. What’s the next step? 

Join the live training. In the training, I’m giving you everything you need to know to set up that freebie to get people to subscribe to your Page, set up your bot to deliever it, and marketing tips for getting fans to notice it (+ other ideas for using this bot!) When you walk away, you will be ready to go out there and handle your bot on your own.

This is a $50 training to save your seat. The bot program is free. You get a Welcome Guide PDF, the entire live training, a rebroadcast, a word-for-word copy-and-paste script, directions for creating your freebie, and marketing ideas, graphics tips, and suggestions for future bot use on your Page, as well as direct access to me to ask questions throughout the entire process.

Seating is limited to ten people. Once we reach ten students, the training will be closed.

***If you bring a friend who purchases their own seat in the live training broadcast, I have a special bonus.

I will be creating a custom marketing graphic for you to use on social media that adheres to your signature style in your branding for each of you to promote the work we accomplish during the class to help attract subscribers to your Facebook list.


What questions do YOU have on using bots in your author brand? Hit up the comments below!

Stay inspired,


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