How to Tell People Exactly Who You Are and What You Do: Crafting Your Elevator Pitch Bio

Elevator Pitch Bio


This summer I was asked to do arts and crafts at a local boys science camp. The first couple of days I had to give me “about me” speech. This “elevator pitch” as they call it is supposed to define who I am in just a few sentences. Who I am, what I do, why I should be known.

The link to the full RT TV episode on Crafting Your Elevator Pitch Bio is at the bottom of this post.


These elevator pitches are used in every area of our lives. When people ask us what we do or who we are, what do we say? This is where this pitch comes in.


So how do we craft this little About Me write up?



Pick the most important and basic parts of what you do. This is like your book’s write up compared to your book. You hit the most important information people need to know and you keep it short.

If your bio on your website is two or three paragraphs, your elevator pitch is two or three sentences.


Add descriptors

Once you have the super basic parts, add in descriptive words. For example, I am a photographer, but not just any photographer. I am specifically a Fine Arts conceptual photographer. Once I add in those descriptive words it helps people to understand specifically what I do.


Crafting Your Words

Once you’ve decided what specific parts of your life you are telling people, it’s time to actually write it out. Think about this as if you were writing it out for your website. You’d want the wording to be as clear and refined as possible, so try writing out your About Me pitch. The more you see it, the more you can clarify it. Get the wording exactly right, the way you would want the back of your book cover to be. Make sure the wording is exceptionally perfect.


Memorize That Thing

It’s not enough just to have the perfect wording. No, you need to have it memorized so that any time that anyone asks, you can perfectly deliver your About Me elevator pitch. Practice as many times as you need in order to make it flawless. Repetition helps to prepare you. Because I have done the intro and wrap ups to my Reading Transforms tutorial videos for authors and book bloggers, the second I get passed the information that is unique to that video, I can kick into autopilot and rattle off the wrap up content without thinking about it. If you say your elevator pitch enough times, it will become a part of you and how you think. Once it is a part of your thinking, you won’t ever be nervous to tell people exactly what you do.


Be Prepared

One you deliver your pitch and people know what you do, be ready because they will likely ask questions. This is when you can get in to more specific detail. This is precisely what you are aiming for.



This elevator pitch is meant for in person conversations, not for your website bio. That is a whole different topic, one we’ll dive into another time, especially in our upcoming Author Branding course.


You could consider using this for something like your Twitter or Instagram bio because that needs to be short, sweet and to the point. But again, those are also different topics that we’re going to talk more about another time.


The Key

The key is to create something short, descriptive and to the ultimate point. Tell them exactly who you are so that they understand if they do not ask further questions and still give them opportunities to ask questions if they want to know more.

Crafting Your Elevator Pitch Bio

Check out the entire RT TV episode on Crafting Your Elevator Pitch and watch four authors create their pitches LIVE right here.

But wait! We don’t want you to go this alone. We’ve got a BONUS for you. In your weekly email from us about this week’s lesson is a freebie downloadable  Elevator Pitch Bio Format. Fill in the blanks in the statement and you’ve created the easiest, most concise in person bio ever.

Elevator Pitch Bio Format

Please note, all of our bonus downloadable freebies are sent out in our weekly emails, but if you aren’t on our list, don’t worry, you can join now and we’ll send you all of our back bonuses PLUS a special gift that will help with your book marketing.


Still need help? Drop your ideas in the comment box and we’ll see what we can do, or feel free to reach out to me for help through the Author Services page.


Stay inspired,


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