Making The Most Of Your Author Central Page On Amazon

Your author central page is essential to your standing on Amazon. Think about it…if a fan likes your book and they take the time to go to Amazon to see what else you have out there…they’re going to be looking directly at your page.

I can not tell you the number of times I went to Amazon in my younger years to learn more about an author’s books, and, as a part of that, wanted to learn more about the author, only to find…not much.

When I became an author, I was SHOCKED to find some of the things authors are allowed to do in their author profile…not because they were strange or outrageous things…but because I had never even once seen an author utilize this part of the platform.

I was completely horrified that they gave so much flexibility and opportunity and not one single author took advantage of it.

I immediately jumped in and filled out my entire profile and my page looks stunning, active, and engaging, if I do say so myself.

Wouldn’t fans and potential fans rather see an active and engaged author than a basically blank page with a couple of books thrown on it?

With that in mind, it’s time to step up our Author Central game:

Pro tip: It’s not enough just to fill this out once. There are definitely limitations to your Author Central profile…which means that you need to keep it updated. Every few months you should be checking in to change up your photos and videos. Stay current on what you’re writing and really project to your visitors that you are involved in your brand and you frequently hang out with your fans socially.

I could go on and on, but I talk about interacting with your fans and staying current on social and on Amazon in so many of my resource tutorials. You get the idea-make the effort because people want to interact with you.

What is YOUR favorite part of Author Central’s profiles? Sound off in the comments!

Stay inspired,


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