Author Lessons From My Pup’s First Time At The Beach

Yesterday my dogs saw the ocean for the first time. My older two LOVE the water (the little one not so much) and they had a ball playing in the surf. My dog, Jayda, particularly loved it. She loved it to the point that she got upset at the people laying around in chairs who weren’t enjoying the beach properly and she barked to tell them to get up and play. She also tried to rescue two different kids who fell in the water and couldn’t get up (they were fine.) She was so happy.

But then.

Then that very last wave swallowed poor Jayda. It took her completely under and she came up and was not happy. She jumped up on me and I had to carry her out…mainly because another very large wave was coming.

I didn’t want her to be afraid of the water so I let her catch her breath and then we went back out twice more. She was nervous, but she did it because she trusted me. And now she’s fine.

But what does that mean for you as an author?

Well let’s face it, you’re going to get hit by waves. Bad reviews, problems with your publisher, issues with other authors, fans not responding to your social media, etc

But don’t let one wave knock you down and keep you there.

Jayda didn’t…and now Jadya gets to enjoy the beautiful beach once again.


Don’t let the wave that kicks you down be the wave to knock you out. You’ve got this.

Stay inspired,


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