The Science of a Synopsis with Awnna Marie Evans

Writing a synopsis is so important to your prep work for your book. Whether you use it to send to an agent/editor/publisher, or you’re sending it to someone who is going to be interviewing you on a show/podcast/etc, having your story in a condensed form is critical. Having it ready before it is asked for is such a huge help. Knowing the science behind a synopsis helps structure your work and helps to avoid common pitfalls.

Professional editor, Awnna Marie Evans, stopped by RT TV with some amazing information on how to break down your synopsis, what to include and what to avoid, and even gave us some tips most people don’t think of that makes your editor/agent/publishers life so much easier when reading your synopsis.


My favorite take away from this episode is capitalizing the names of characters the first time they are introduce in your synopsis so it ensures there is no confusion as people are reading it.

What was your favorite take away? Let us know in the comments below!

Stay inspired,


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