This morning I was packing a suitcase to run off to Neverland…I mean to go help my sister move to the other side of the country…and as I was packing my bag, I realized traveling had something very valuable to teach authors.
So I took to Instagram Stories with 5 Tips to Take Your Author Brand With You While You Travel:
1.) Pack Your Content In Advance
Store it on your computer or phone. Store graphics in the media section of your WordPress site. Save content in drafts so you just have to hit “publish” when the time comes. Save extra copies on a thumb drive, etc.
2.) Only Unpack What You Need When You Need It
Don’t unpack it all at once. Just like you wouldn’t arrive at a hotel you were spending one night in and unpack an entire week’s worth of clothing, you don’t want to set up camp every single time you post. Only pull out what you need for that one post and don’t waste time, space and effort.
3.) Keep The Most Important Things Where You Can Easily Access Them
When packing a suitcase, you put the important items, that which you will use first, on the top. Same goes for your content. Assemble your content in the order in which you will use it so you don’t have to go digging around to find it in your files.
4.) Have the Essentials
Let’s not play-sometimes airlines lose your baggage…which is why we keep the essentials with us on our carry on, just in case something happens.
When you take your brand materials with you, keep the most important, most essential stuff with you (in several locations.) If something happens to the rest, it’s okay, you’ll survive. Keep those essentials with you, because if all else fails, you’ll have those few most important things.
5.) Go With the Flow
Things may not work as you planned. You know stuff comes up that will change what you are doing and how you are doing it.Take it as it comes and do your best with what you have. It will all be okay.
Worst case…stay on the tropical island and don’t come back until people are using social media platforms that don’t exist yet 😉
Above all else, even when you go on vacation/work trip/etc you need to make sure you are taking care of your fans. They need to feel supported and taken care of. They need to know they matter. So even if you are taking a break on your vacation, you need to take the time to check in. Being prepared in advance free up your thoughts and time and gives you the ability to check in and give them something valuable without hindering the busyness of your trip.
Prepare in advance and you can get everything done without stressing yourself out or missing anything. You’ve got this.
On that note, I’m out, ya’ll. I’m hitting the road bright in early and I will catch you during my live broadcasts from the road. See you then!
Stay inspired,