Welcome to the future of Twitter, where we are no longer restricted by photos, videos, GIFs, polls, and quote tweets eating into our 140 character count. We are free, my dears, go forth and tweet.
But actually, hold up, because now is a good time to talk Twitter.
Posting on Twitter is easy. Getting people to care about what you post…not so much.
So what do we do to get people to interact with us?
The good news is that you don’t have to be “popular” or witty or always have the right words to say to get people to take notice. In fact, getting people to talk to you is as simple as asking a question.
For example…instead of saying “I’m going to Starbucks,” you could say, “I’m going to Starbucks…what drink should I try today?”
If you think people won’t come out of the woodwork to tell you their favorite fancy-named-drink…well, think again.
Now try this on for size:
“Signed a new book deal today.” OR “Signed a new book deal today…how should I celebrate?”
What about this one:
“Writing a new scenes this afternoon.” OR “Sitting down to write a new scene…living room couch or patio hammock?”
Now this:
“Working on the makeup scene for the new story today. hehe” OR “Kissing scene…should she discover his tattoo or his scar?”
Do you see how asking questions is more engaging because it leaves room for them to answer? When you post a normal sentence, that’s it, the end of the conversation, but when you post a question it leaves the door open to communicate.
So what can you ask your fans today?
Tweet it, then link me on Twitter @readngtransform and comment below so I know you’ve posted!
Stay inspired,
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